Spirit of Sovereignty
Advancing the fundamentals of self-determination
Sovereignty – the authority of a government to govern itself – fulfills its promise when our children can realize their dreams. The Spirit of Sovereignty helps make higher education a reality for deserving Indian students and helps children and families in their time of need. Established in 2002 as the charitable arm of the National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA), Spirit of Sovereignty is now a NIGA-advised donor fund at the Indian Land Tenure Foundation (iltf.org), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. This arrangement allows more funds to be spent in the community and less on administration.

Spirit of Sovereignty Advisory Council
Our advisory board, community donors, and strategic partners believe education is a vital component of sovereignty, and opportunities for higher education today ensure that Indian youth become the qualified leaders of tomorrow.
Members of the Advisory Council
– Andy Ebona – Chairman of the Advisory Board, NIGA Treasurer (Douglas Village) (left)
– Mathew S. Robinson – Founder and Principal, KlasRobinson, QED (center)
– Steve Burke – Publisher, Indian Gaming Magazine (right)

Working together for Native youth
The Spirit of Sovereignty works with numerous partners to provide funding for our college scholarships and children’s holiday program. Partners include:
- Corporations doing business in Indian Country, including IGA Associate Members
- Indian and non-Indian individuals who care about the future of Native youth
- Foundations that support education and programs for Native youth
- Tribal Colleges that administrate scholarships and select deserving students
Learn more about our partners.